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The story of one spicy little chili pepper 🌶 -- as told by Jennifer Rubio

Tiny Minnie is what we call a "bottle baby".  These are kittens found without a Mama cat who are too young to be weaned.  Without human rescuers, these babies wouldn't make it.
Minnie - 2 weeks old

Long Story Short? So I got a message from Kathy Cabrera at the beginning of the week asking if we had a foster for a bottle baby. I said no. We are full.

Long story short -- the kitten needed to make it here from the Jackson, CA area (about 75 miles) with a very young foster who was doing her best with this 2 week old bottle baby.

Relay Race

So this little nugget was driven 65 miles to Tracy, CA, where volunteer, Natalie Yost, took up the second leg of the trip. She transported our littlest kitty to Kitty 911 foster Jennifer Breneman-Perez who kept her for me while I finished my commute home, stopping to get the supplies (formula bottles and potty pads) that the foster would need. I picked up this little spicy girl who had a lot to say.

She is so tiny but has the BIGGEST personality. I took up the anchor leg and delivered her to her new foster Mom, Samantha Woods !!!

This is Us

This is where your money goes! This is what we do to save one single life. This kitten would be disposable to some, but to us she was worth a 4 people relay race to an amazing foster home!!! Thank you all for all you do for us!!! Follow this little traveler as she grows up, and welcome home to the newest K911 Kitten!


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